Get species list for a country




Full name for country


Dataframe with the species ids, common names and scientific names of species in the defined country. Not when a species is split, the old species ID is discontinued and two (or more) new species ids are created.


# get species list for Nigerian get_species_list(country = "Nigeria")
#> # A tibble: 923 x 5 #> Spp Common_group Common_species Genus Species #> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 1109 Alethe Brown-chested Alethe poliocephala #> 2 2540 Alethe Fire-crested Pseudalethe castanea #> 3 2660 Ant-thrush White-tailed Neocossyphus poensis #> 4 2650 Anteating-chat Northern Myrmecocichla aethiops #> 5 1144 Antpecker Woodhouse's (Red-headed) Parmoptila woodhousei #> 6 622 Apalis Bar-throated Apalis thoracica #> 7 3078 Apalis Black-capped Apalis nigriceps #> 8 3084 Apalis Black-collared Apalis pulchra #> 9 3074 Apalis Black-throated Apalis jacksoni #> 10 1099 Apalis Buff-throated Apalis rufogularis #> # ... with 913 more rows