Find a specific species or a group of species from a species list

find_species(species_list, species_names)



The output of `get_species_list`


A character or a vector of characters to search for in a species list,


A subset of the output of `species_list` that produces the best match for the `species_names` provided.


# get species list for kenya kenya_list <- get_species_list("kenya") # specify the species you want to search for interesting_species <- c("drongo", "sunbird") # find interesting species in the species list find_species(species_list = kenya_list, species_name = interesting_species)
#> # A tibble: 35 x 6 #> Spp Common_group Common_species Genus Species SearchColumn #> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 517 Drongo Fork-tailed Dicrur~ adsimil~ drongo fork-tailed dicr~ #> 2 518 Drongo Square-tailed Dicrur~ ludwigii drongo square-tailed di~ #> 3 3574 Sunbird Amani Hedydi~ pallidi~ sunbird amani hedydipna~ #> 4 772 Sunbird Amethyst Chalco~ amethys~ sunbird amethyst chalco~ #> 5 3686 Sunbird Beautiful Cynnyr~ pulchel~ sunbird beautiful cynny~ #> 6 3684 Sunbird Black-bellied Cynnyr~ nectari~ sunbird black-bellied c~ #> 7 752 Sunbird Bronzy Nectar~ kilimen~ sunbird bronzy nectarin~ #> 8 771 Sunbird Collared Hedydi~ collaris sunbird collared hedydi~ #> 9 754 Sunbird Copper Cinnyr~ cupreus sunbird copper cinnyris~ #> 10 767 Sunbird Eastern Double-~ Cinnyr~ mediocr~ sunbird eastern double-~ #> # ... with 25 more rows